Monday, October 29, 2012

Back to Afghanistan

I have been in the USA since 28 Sept. I spent a week in Kentucky, then I flew back to my residence in Alexandria VA. I got some good USA food, and watched a lot of TV. I just love "Law and Order" and "Jeapordy". I will be starting with my new firm on 2 Nov. I will do some paperwork, and get my ID badge and all the in-processing at McLean VA. Then I will have some training and orientation, then back to Indianapolis. I have done the Deployment center now 8 (eight) times. Once at Ft. Bliss Tex, 5 times at Fort Benning Georgia, and twice at Camp Atterbury Indiana. I have been informed that my new duty station is going to be Kandahar, Afghanistan. I am looking forward to a great assignment.

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