Thursday, June 22, 2006

22 June 2006

Getting some good news from New York at last. We have permission from the Base Commander to meet. Meeting rooms are scarce, and difficult to schedule. There is a new chapel under construction, and hopefully that will relieve some of the stress. I still do not have my dual membership with Master Builder lodge #911, in Tonawanda NY. My home lodge (Bowling Green 73, Bowling Green KY) issued the document stating that I am a Master Mason in good standing, but there is apparently some confusion, about my Masonic status.

I requested the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of KY to issue a document, verifying my Masonic status, but this document must be requested from New York. I contacted the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of New York, and requested that he secure the necessary documents. SIX months to get a dual membership through is unacceptable. If we had a charter today, we could not have masonic meetings, because we do not have a New York mason present here on Al Asad.

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